My first day of school!
I have to admit that I was really excited to go to school!The first day I got lost a little. Now i know how to get around.I have an awesome teachers. My seminary is Brother. Goldhart he is really nice teacher.My english teacher is really nice, but today in class we gave her hard time. I have alots of my friends that i eat lunch with. I've seen alot of my friends from last year.Well i'm taking these classes:A day-desctop publish,teacher aide,ceramics,and seminary on B day-i have english,algebra,world civ, and biolody.I have so much fun time in school the day goes way fast. When i go to lunch i only have 3 classes left before i get to go home!I really like going to Jordan! Raye Anne helps me every morning making sure that i can get to my class and know were it is, she is so nice to do that. I eat lunch with alot of my friends!It felt vierd when i came to a class room and say to the teacher that i was her new student. But it's alots fun!I have even met new people*.Well i love going to school and my school is going good!